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:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

@RustyCrab That's typical German behavior.

@RustyCrab Wow that interview was absolute dogshit. And her voice is really annoying because she sounds German. And I can tell you first hand this is what Germans always do this they fuck up your plans every single time, you can plan things out in detail and they will always go out of their way to make sure whatever it was you were planning doesn't happen.

Go look at their trains: always late
Look at their cars: always break
Why do you need a permit to recycle a plastic water bottle? Why can't you own a knife in Germany? Why does their companies not send me tracking numbers for my packages? Why is there a sizable population of people who think they are canines?

I wish Stalin sent all of these people to Siberia. And I wish the US atom bombed them out of existence.

mr bigot, disrespector of jews
Have you considered that all of the good Germans were murdered 80~ years ago?
Spellcaster Abner 🧙🏻‍♂️:marseypig:
I think about this with the British too (all the halfway decent ones were sent to the meatgrinder in the 1910s)