@splitshockvirus what about more? or try “| vi” or “| nano”! If nano or vi can load buffer from input as does micro (prob neovim too)
@tfed more doesn't let me scroll.
@splitshockvirus in extra situation, you can save output into file, and then open with nano
@splitshockvirus @nishi ls /bin | more, check cmds
@splitshockvirus @nishi don't spend too much in it, it's dangerous and stressful prob
update-initramfs would likely fail in this environment even if you had the binary, as it assumes the real root to be mounted. I'm not even sure you have your real /etc under /etc at this point.
Can't you just eliminate the problem that prevents real root from being mounted — import the array/pools manually and then ^D it so it can carry on its usual routine?