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:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

Very boring. Almost as bad as learning C programming. A bunch of abstract concepts unfortunately.

kute null pointer 🤖

You're kidding right?

"You mean I use INSERT to insert data, and DELETE to delete data, and SELECT to get particular rows and columns? And CREATE TABLE to create a table" - me taking my first and only DB class in college.

"...and I get to use GUI tools or web apps for administrative tasks like backups and restores! awesome"

Easier than any other language, by far.


No I don't mean SQL. That's easy.

I mean concepts I'm supposed to learn like data modeling, schema, normalization (whatever tf that is).

I already work with MySQL on a operator standpoint, but I don't have a damn clue on reasons why things are done the way they are in terms of why certain key values exist, and how they relate with other tables.

Apparently there are a bunch of data visualization tools that exist that nobody bothered to tell me about (besides mysql workbench) but of course they talk about network sockets 🤓🤓🤓

I'm gonna plug pleroma or mastodon's database and try to understand why they are arranged the way they are.

kute null pointer 🤖

Checkout the anime fairygirl book. It explains the fundamentals, but it has homework exercises that are challenging for me even now.

@splitshockvirus @KuteboiCoder I good a pretty good idea on database fundamentals from a biology class I took. Here is the textbook its just a general database one.