is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Starnix is a Fediverse/ActivityPub Focused platform. Topics are mainly Technology and computer related but are not required to fall into those categories.

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active users

To everyone on my instance who enjoys their Linux youtubers.

Linux is actually a very powerful system (mainly kernel keep that in mind), and if you persue a career in Linux administration, please realize that you likely will be undercut in terms of wage because employers will think they can underpay you because "free" software means "free" labor. So basically know your worth :cirno_smile:

:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

If all you know about Linux is that you can run a desktop on it, you are not going to get a job. However if you know shell and python scripting you have a semi valuable skill. None of which are taught in your favorite Linux YouTuber's Channel.