Something awful did one thing right, it filtered leetspeak.
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 Actually one other thing. Making people pay for registrations is another W.
Age verification with needing to see ID. Trolls can be annoying but they need to pay for the privilege of being annoying. Non-reoccurring payment site stays up.
Now people are just used to their data being sold to the highest bidder and seeing ads.
@kirby @CumskinFoidPuncher69420
No I was never on it and it's a shithole that I would not fit into since tumblr users infest it but I admire simple admin solution.
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @kirby
Danganronpa and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind. I apologize for its creation. 2 nukes were not enough.