is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Starnix is a Fediverse/ActivityPub Focused platform. Topics are mainly Technology and computer related but are not required to fall into those categories.

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active users

Eric Zhang
yeah dude someone is going to hack my pc thru the audio server

@eric I tried learning how to use pipewire's "security" and it turns out the only security feature is an ad-hoc completely undocumented interface to flatpaks (that they swear will one day be an actual privilege separation feature)

if you don't use flatpaks pipewire is security-wise equivalent to pulseaudio

Eric Zhang
@hiro dude why would i care about security in my audio stack i just want it to not crackle and BLAST BEATS

@eric No no no, perceived safety is more important than functionality. That's the freedesktop motto

Stephen Brooks 🦆

@eric @hiro But what if it blasts the wrong beats?