the word “rice” in this context has a super racist history and I beg you to look it up and then stop using it.
nice desktop tho
@triplenadir @comalnik I beg you to please explain, how that's possible?
step 1: go to your favourite search engine
step 2: type “origin of the term ricing”
step 3: ignore the results relating to soap, cooking, or the adorable-but-wrong backronym “Race Inspired Car Enhancements”
step 4: discover that “ricing” was a) originally used as an insult (shitty cars with lots of mods) and b) referencing people from east Asia cos, yknow, japanchinesekorean people like rice
step 5: stop using the word in the context of “mods”
step 3 takes some nuance, fair enough
@triplenadir I had already done that.
I didn't find anything racist about it. Rice is indeed a cultural symbol and a staple diet in most Asia, including my own country, India.
We name things after cultural symbols.
It is however racist to force Anglo-centric perceptions over other people.