If you think #Trump really did #Jan6, but you refuse to take the very real, very believable issues around the #Biden presidency seriously, you're just an empty gong.
I didn't vote Trump either time, but anyone can see he's being railroaded.
Come on infosec people, you *know* the signs of social engineering/phishing. High stakes, time constraints, call to action. You're not being smart, you're being a mark.
If you cannot articulate your opponent's position as they would articulate it, you are not qualified to have an opinion on that person or able to have a rational debate. Reductive malicious catch phrases like "Don't Say Gay BIll" or "Republicans want to ban books" are great slogans for ginning up emotional reactions, but don't describe the intent or heart behind the actions. Exactly -zero- Republicans I've ever met want to actually ban books. I've run into more on the Left who want to control speech than vice versa.
I'm horrified by the idea of either the swamp things on the Republican side or the Comrades in the Democrat party taking complete control. The result is the same - "A boot standing on a human face - forever."
End #rant
I dunno, I think we have it pretty good in the first world as far as totalitarianism goes.
The problem is that we have incompetents who want to seize power forever by demographic change.
On the Left, that is diversity; on the Right, it is the organized religion zombies like Mike Pence and Ron DeSantis.
Trump is ultimately a moderate, a libertarian.
Good #rant.
@GLFC I think you are having difficulty with perspective my dude.
@rateexportpilot A non-violent, but trespassing stroll through a government building versus 10% for the big guy and countless grift? How exactly does a career civil servant become filthy rich?
The problem with *both* types of "my side can do no wrong" people is they minimize legitimate complaints of the other side. Feeling that they're being marginalized and unheard, they dig in.
@GLFC @rateexportpilot a big part of the problem in our country today is that people tend to overlook dishonorable behavior on their own side and go after it aggressively on the other side. We will keep getting scum until we police our own.
@GLFC thank goodness (not to your rant, but to the fact that it has ended). States are banning books, someone is supporting these decisions.
@CanuckPundit Nobody is banning books. They're saying that certain topics aren't appropriate for minor children without parental consent. There's a vast difference. When I was in high school, we couldn't get the SI Swimsuit issue from the school library. Same concept.
@GLFC you can be hyperbolic about this. No one is suggesting it to be appropriate to have that example in a school or school material in general. But to determine what associated with alternative lifestyles , like gay people having “2 daddies”, etc. that type of material is being described at “woke” or perverse by the religious right. This is censorship and at the crux of their politics. The outrage is a feature.
A lefty midwit has entered the discussion.
Now you can be reminded of how insanely stupid and cult like these fucking morons have become.
It's the cult vs everyone my dude.
Just accept it.
@CanuckPundit @GLFC It is perverse to show that stuff that has been being shown to 7 and 8 year olds. Anybody that supports it is a groomer.
@GLFC suggesting US democrats are #socialists is the stupidest thing I've seen today and that also includes the rest of this ridiculous post...
@that I don't know how one can claim the modern Democrat *isn't* a full-on socialist. Just look at their stated goals and pet projects. It's not a herculean leap. Single-payer healthcare, UBI, massive expansion of payments to able-bodied people who refuse to work, massive taxes to support their programs? Just because they're bad at socialism doesn't mean they're not socialists.
(That said, Team R are also socialist-lite, but that's what the voters want).
@GLFC that's literally not what socialism is. Quick search tells us that socialism is: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
So like a cooperative, you know where employees own parts of the company? That's socialism on a very small scale.
@that Or, under the M-W definition:
": any of various egalitarian economic and political theories or movements advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods"
Taxation is the seizure of private production to administer and distribute goods and services to society. Just because they haven't achieved their end goal, doesn't mean that's not what they're advocating for. Is it textbook? Perhaps not, but it's clearly their intent to control what is done with the results of production, if not controlling the means of production directly.
@jeff that's just capitalism, that's what it does
@GLFC very well said!