is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Starnix is a Fediverse/ActivityPub Focused platform. Topics are mainly Technology and computer related but are not required to fall into those categories.

Server stats:

active users

Joshua Lee

Want to talk about notification spam, trying moving a large account with lots of followers to a new ActivityPub enabled instance, lmao.
All the notification spam.

Joshua Lee
Public Still my favorite feature of the fediverse.

Joshua Lee
Public I mean it works well enough for the most part.

@10leej fedi users probably are some of the most patient people in existence to work through the software quirks, that or their masochistic.

Mastodon is the only one that imports fine, Misskey will probably rate limit you due to how fast it processes your actions (design oversight), and pleroma will probably shit itself while processing your import.

✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware:
@splitshockvirus @10leej Last time i checked pleroma and maso have the same import issuse
Joshua Lee
Public Well to be fair mastodon has a lot more dev time on it and Misskey is packing a huge amount of features.

[MOVED] neopolitan
@splitshockvirus @10leej
yeah one time i had to import my list 20 different times and still had to manually go through and follow 25% of it