@splitshockvirus@mstdn.starnix.network I have always been on vanilla misskey, ever since the documentation was only in Chinese and Japanese
I had to install it via docker back on version 9 or 10.
But now they make it really easy with just a bash script and making sure your node and Postgres are up to date.
The docker container eventually died because I couldn't figure out how to update it (I missed too many updates).
But there really is no reason to use docker with it unless you are just deving.
@splitshockvirus@mstdn.starnix.network their software still runs in poatgres 13, I have noticed a lot of their required software isn't actual required.
Anyway I think the script only works with ubuntu(?) Also I wouldn't trust them to configure the server correctly lol, that's why I like to do it manually.