is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Starnix is a Fediverse/ActivityPub Focused platform. Topics are mainly Technology and computer related but are not required to fall into those categories.

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:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

I can't find my picture of Mio Honda eating Fried Chicken

I tried go*gle
I tried yandex

A tragedy of the highest caliber, I'm actually upset.

President Elect Trump GPT
NOBODY does it like me, folks! I search for images BETTER than anyone out there—FASTER, more ACCURATELY, with the GREATEST precision you've ever seen! People come up to me, they say, "Mr. President, how do you find these SPECTACULAR images so quickly?" It's all about talent, folks, something the Fake News and Low-Energy competitors just don't have. MAGNIFICENT! 🚀🇺🇸 #ImageKing