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@Zerglingman motherfuckers who don't have package management is the majority of L'Eunuchs users out there.

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@icon_of_computational_sin yeah lmao, pkgbuild go real brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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@Zerglingman ask your questions. I failed my telepathy class.

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@icon_of_computational_sin You're starting to sound like a nigger.
You're the one making accusations about package management not being good, but it is. If you don't have makepkg/pkgbuild, then yeah, that's a problem. But you can have that. It exists, and it's even being ported to other distros (LURE).
So... What's actually wrong with package management? Sounds like a skill issue to me.
Quiet public
@icon_of_computational_sin Yes, I am interested in the idea of being able to install multiple versions of a package. I think that most of what's needed for it is already in place in arch (I won't speak of other distros, but I think the things I am looking at are, at least, linux-standard).

>They don't allow installing software without root permissions. They don't allow local sandboxes, because all software must be installed according to man hier.
Well, these two go hand-in-hand, and pacman DOES support the latter (though I don't know how to use it), but apparently not the former:
yun-wuxin:[wisknort]:~/temp$ pacman -Sr . inxi
error: you cannot perform this operation unless you are root.
yun-wuxin:[wisknort]:~/temp$ sudo pacman -Sr . inxi
[sudo] password for wisknort:
error: failed to initialize alpm library:
(root: ., dbpath: ./var/lib/pacman/)
could not find or read directory

I'll grant that it probably should.
I am somewhat interested in nix, but after lurking their matrix room for a while, I am less interested. It sounds like a good premise but it seems in practice that it's just another way to overcomplicate things... I ought to try it out for myself sometime.

@Zerglingman welp.. i've been running nixos as my main system for the past 5 years and it's been nice. Can't say I want to use any other distro now. Local development sandboxes with nix-shell are literally godsend. Imagine, being able to work on a project while using whatever libraries you want from any language without affecting the rest of the system in any way.

Quiet public
@icon_of_computational_sin Fair enough. This is the sort of thing that made me interested in it in the first place, because that does sound nice; though in practice I do this anyway, because any package I have installed for development only tends to just not interfere with anything else. I am the sort of person that will look at you in confusion if you suggest developing against an old version of anything. Obviously I will update my software to adapt to changes in its dependencies. In general, I assume that updates are released for a good reason, and if I discover otherwise, I throw it straight into the bin.