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@splitshockvirus just 80? Are you on a diet?

@not_benis Match rounds are expensive sir (and gun stores are a rip off) this was $200.

Some men in black told me I should sight in my rifle this weekend and they were very convincing. :threeletteragentglowsobright:

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:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †
Quiet public

@0 @not_benis They're not cheap

Account: Firearms
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@0 @not_benis @splitshockvirus ALL stores ARE a ripoff. That's literally how retail works. If they weren't, they would not exist. Just two days ago I listened to my wife ranting about the price of yarn in stores, which she can order from a shady online place for half the price.
Quiet public
@gat @not_benis @splitshockvirus

My issue isn't even price, I'm happy to have local brick and mortar, but when I get told, "Actually we like $brand." or "I've never heard of CCI uppercut." Bruh, what am I paying for but a headache?
Quiet public
@gat @not_benis @0 @splitshockvirus Part of that is they usually buy in bulk then break the bulk packs down for multiple people. For an individual buying a 24 pack of the same color yarn would be an investment that usually didn't pay off, but for a store that can sell it for 2-3x as much individually, it may eventually pay off as long as they sell a decent amount of it.
Quiet public
@splitshockvirus bro just count the powder pellets by hand and machine your own bullets from tungsten rods
:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †
Quiet public

@not_benis you joke but I actually could do that. I think once I fire these I'll go back and purchase a .308 die set, and bullets.

Also 250% I got fucked on that ammo purchase, oh well :cirno_shrug:

Quiet public
@splitshockvirus @not_benis >gman sporting

Time to... pay... Mr. Freeman.