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:apa: スプリットショックウイルス †

Linux MD has a Kernel bug that reduces rebuild performance past 16 drives in an array significantly, this is resolved in Ubuntu 22.04 by implementing a backport fix from mainline

I believe it :facebook_frog: :lean:

Additionally Raid checksums have also been improved by switching from using cron for scheduling to systemd as it will allow staggering of smaller six hour checksums which can be paused and resumed the next day until the entire array is completely checked rather than checking in one go which can disrupt rsyncs and cause load averages to spike.

I also believe it :facebook_frog: :lean:

✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware:
Quiet public
@tomcat @splitshockvirus soyd is shit yes :cirno_shrug: also the second one it makes no sense (linux md has two srub states check and repair one just checks data and the other does both at the same time, check is what would be croned and that does not lose much performance)